Chief Justice of Lahore High Court Justice Umar Ata Bandial has directed judges of all district consumer courts of Punjab to hold consumer court proceedings in the district of their jurisdiction at least once a week according to their convenience and suitability.
According to a notification issued by the LHC, presiding officers of these courts are directed to hear cases in the respective districts of their division. According to the notification, these courts in Punjab have shown remarkable performance by providing speedy and inexpensive justice to the litigant public, but their network is limited to only 11 districts.
Due to non-availability of courts in rest of the districts, litigants and their counsels have to approach in the districts of their jurisdiction having this facility.
This cumbersome exercise of going to other districts entails mobility problems and other monetary constraints for people. The notification seeks to help encourage clients and advocates community to seek relief at their doorstep. – dailytimes